Thursday, January 6, 2011

my i have your......

Hi! i am here with good news! for you you you and you all so do you like cooking? ok so here we go CARLY you like cooking KK you like cooking so you both do so we will have a contest who ever likes cooking do a comment on my food blog and i will get to you and who ever wins my put the food you like for a week on my blog i will get a hat and put your name in it  and ava will pick it. YAY!!! so are you happy do a comment and win YAY!!!!!!

Maddie L.


  1. lol. wait-I commented on all your post so far-does that mean I win?? Slightly cornfused...

  2. no i am going to put your name in a hat and ava are ava will pick a name and i want 2 pips to do it like kk and m and m so now do you get it?


  3. i mean 3 or 4 5 6 7 8 you know


  4. what do you mean and i know who won and it is.... hehe

  5. hello, did i win??? i'm SSOOOOO confused it isn't even funny.....

